The NanoLog series of spectrofluorometers are specifically designed for research in nanotechnology and the frontiers of nanomaterials. Based on the world-wide proven technology of the FluoroLog, the NanoLog detects fluorescence in the near-IR from 800 to 1700 nm (optional multi-channel detection to 2 µm, single-channel detection to 3 µm), with visible and UV options possible. With the NanoLog® comes specially designed software ideal for classifying SWNTs, performing energytransfer calculations, and saving custom routines and instrument layouts. A complete spectrum can be scanned as fast as a few milliseconds, and a full excitation-emission matrix scan can be taken in as little as seconds.
Excitation Source
450 W xenon short-arc. Collection and focusing by off-axis mirror for maximum efficiency at all wavelengths.
Excitation Monochromator
Czerny-Turner with kinematic gratings and all-reflective optics. Optional double-grating units available for highest stray-light rejection and sensitivity.
Sample Compartment
T-box design to allow second emission-detection channel. Gap-bed removable for samplingaccessory replacement. Optional front-face detection.
Emission Imaging Spectrograph
TRIAX, for multi-channel acquisition, with triple-grating turret. Aspheric optical correction practically eliminating astigmatism.
Photodiode for excitation correction from 240–1000 nm. Standard emission detector is InGaAs multi-channel array detector for rapid emission spectra. Optional IGA-020 InGaAs photodiode for economical scanning from 800–1550 nm. Other PMTs to 1700 nm. Other detectors for higherwavelength emissions.
Windows-based FluorEssence supplies all scanning, time-based, and accessory dataacquisition plus complete control of all hardware. Nanosizer for fitting of single-walled carbon-nanotube spectra to known library to determine chiralities and diameters.