Raman Spectrometer T64000

Ideal tool for fundamental research and advanced application of chemical analysis using Raman spectroscopy.

  • double subtractive & Triple additive configurations;
  • direct single spectrometer;
  • high stray light rejection.

The T64000 system is designed to provide a versatile platform for Raman analysis. It has an integrated triple spectrometer design for unprecedented optical stability. The instrument incorporates the proven technology of the confocal LabRAM Raman microprobe. The mechanical coupling is rigid and stable. The optical coupling is efficient and throughput is limited only by theoretical considerations.

Holographic notch filter technology provides a very good solution to laser rejection for visible wavelengths in many applications.

However, there are acknowledged limitations to the use of these filters for work close in to the laser line. Even with specially developed low frequency accessories with many difficult samples it is still often impossible to obtain reliable data at 10, 20 or
30 cm-1.

In using the double subtractive configuration of the T64000, it is possible to obtain spectral information very close in to the laser line. The subtractive mode is ideal for studying such detail as LA modes in polymer systems and crystal lattice modes.

Ultra high resolution
With the use of the ultra-high resolution triple additive configuration of the T64000 triple system, it is possible to very accurately study the position of Raman bands. This is of particular importance for the measurements of stress in semiconductor materials such as GaN, SiC and diamond where stress induced shifts in the order of 0,1 cm-1 are often studied. The high resolution also offers the level of accuracy required for the authentication and certification of materials for Raman standards.

Single spectrometer technology
With the final mode of operation, the direct spectrograph entrance, the system can be used with holographic notch filter technology and as a more conventional single spectrometer based system. The high throughput of the large optical components means that it is then ideal for Raman mapping and even remote probe forms of analysis.

UV Raman Spectroscopy
The T64000 has many benefits for deep UV Raman measurements.

  • The high stray light rejection enables lower frequency Raman bands below 100 cm-1 to be observed even in the deep UV (244 nm). It can provide a complete spectral analysis not limited in its scope or range;
  • The tune-ability of the double filter stage enables all the various deep UV frequencies to be accessed easily, (eg. 227-290 nm). Hence, optimizing resonance enhancement for particular species of components (eg. proteins from DNA);
  • The specialized UV-VIS microscope option is adapted to working over a broad spectral range, without the need of optics to be removed or replaced. It preserves the high spatial discrimination across the wavelengths. It also offers specialized UV enhanced image viewing of the sample, and all of the standard Raman mapping facilities;
  • The spectral resolution of the 640 mm focal length, as with the LabRAM HR system enables Raman analysis to be maintained at a standard to high spectral resolution. The resolution of ~1,4 cm-1/pixel far improves upon the ~4 cm-1/pixel resolution of the small bench-top instrument found in the UV.

The list of applications to which the T64000 can be applied is impressive including, thin films, solid state devices, biological chemistry and techniques such as UV, resonance Raman, PL and laser fluorescence.

Parameters Value

Focal length

640 mm, all stages



Dispersion, additive triple

0,23 nm/mm

Dispersion, single (direct or subtractive double)

0,7 nm/mm


76 x 76 mm2
selection from over 50 gratings including the patented PAC gratings

Drive mechanism

Sine bar

Step Size

0,00066 nm

Mechanical range

0 to 1000 nm (and above)


- subtractive intermediate

0 to 2 mm wide
0.5,1.,2.5,5,15 mm high

- spectrograph entrance

0 to 50 mm wide
0 to 15 mm high

Spectrograph port

0 to 25 mm wide
0 to 15 mm high
